大規模なウェビナー「Next Normal」2021 における BPO の再発明の一環として、Botminds は、AI ファーストの自動化を使用した BPO および KPO サービスの再考に関する見解を発表しました。
2020 has been a year of disruption for all and everyone has been trying to cope up in every possible way. Covid-19 has greatly affected not just the economy, but our personal lives as well. The corona pandemic hit the BPO industry the hardest as the industry faced various challenges in terms of workplace disruption, cybersecurity threats, client management and compliance issues.
BPO services have always been about speed, responsiveness, understanding concerns of a lead and offering competitive value. No doubt few organizations have successfully banked upon continuity plans, behavioral change towards tech adoption and is thriving with the new normal. It is the ‘New Normal’, which is giving enough room for the industry to evolve over the coming decades. Innovative, technology-enabled and flexible operating models are the DNA of the new normal – especially coded to meet the marked shift in client expectations.
Our webinar Reinventing BPO in “Next Normal” will focus on as the pandemic unfolded, how has BPO industry responded and how flexible the industry has been in navigating innovative and pragmatics solutions to support their clients which was the need of an hour.
Drivers & Challenges for Digital Transformation
Key to successful automation & transformation
Why organisations should look at AI-first automation
Unified horizontal platform for all business processes, across industry verticals
Case study & Demo